Diary of Gen Z (day 2)

Adela Holland
2 min readDec 22, 2020

Hey! Spent the entirety of my morning looking after my dog. She just had surgery on her torn ACL so she’s not allowed to walk and has to wear a cone, she’s pretty pitiful. Got out of the house today! In the afternoon I went shopping for some Christmas presents for my mom and stopped by Ulta for some skincare. Overall, pretty uneventful. Since it’s December 21st here is what I am manifesting for the new year: I am successful, I own a business, I am accepted into the interior design program, I am in love with myself, I am dating a girl, I know my worth, I am happy, I follow my intuition, I am accepted by my family. The last one is a bit of a reach, it’d take a miracle from the universe for my conservative Christian family to not hate gay people. I’ve been talking to this girl and I have such a crush on her, we don’t text much but when we do she’s super sweet. I’m hoping to meet her soon when she’s back in town. Maybee (hopefully) I’ll lose my girl “v-card” to her. I want it to be special, but even if she turns out to be just a one-night stand type of thing I wouldn’t be disappointed because I do really like her. I was talking with my parents today and mentioned that I want to marry an architect (since I’m an interior design major) and they said “well now you just have to meet him.” Little do they know, I’d rather he be a she but anywayss… it really hurts my feeling when they say homophobic things. It just reinforces my decision to not come out to them. Because, as much as I hate going back into the closet every time I see them, I’m not fincancially independant and I am also scared of losing my entire family because of my sexuality. I’ll really never understand because If they really loved me, something as small as who I am attracted to wouldn’t affect how they view me.

That’s all for tonight,


